Exercise 8: Convert a Standard Test to a Template
  • 08 Jul 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Exercise 8: Convert a Standard Test to a Template

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Article summary

Learning Goals
  • How do I apply a test at scale?
  • What is a Validatar Template test?
  • What does metadata driven mean?
  • How do I make child tests differ from each other?
  • How do I use the Template Builder?

Step 1 - Copy and Convert a Standard Test to a Template

  • Open the Row Count Test from Exercise 5
  • Copy the test
  • Convert to Template Test


Step 2 - Review and Update Template Test Structure

  • Review what parts of the Standard Test have been replaced by {{schema.name}} and {{table.name}} placeholders.
  • Update the Compare to Table from STAGING.S_DIM_PAYER_10 to STAGING.S_DIM_{{table.name}}_10
  • Update the metadata link to STAGING.S_DIM_{{table.name}}_10


Step 3 - Add other RAW tables to the Metadata Selection

  • Go to the Metadata Selection tab
  • Add additional Tables that follow the same pattern and should have their row counts check similarly
  • Save your test


Step 4 - Materialize Child Tests and then Run

  • Click Materialize Child Tests
  • Confirm the counts make sense
  • Run Child Tests and see all your individual tables get tested using the same pattern



Tips About Validatar

  • Converting a Standard Test to a Template Test helps the user understand the template framework.
  • Metadata selection is how to choose which objects this template applies to.
  • Materializing Child Tests is simply creating or updating tests created from a Template.

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