Exercise 13: Create an Event Report from Scratch
  • 27 Jun 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Exercise 13: Create an Event Report from Scratch

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Article summary

Learning Goals
  • How do I create a new report?
  • What information does an event history report have?
  • How do I add filters to a report?
  • How do I add columns to a report?
  • How do I manage access to reports?
  • How do I create a subscription on a report?

Step 1 - Create an Event History Report

  • Go to Reports Section in the top banner

  • Click on the Standard Dataset: Event History

  • Click Create New Report

  • Click Edit Filters

  • Add a filter on Date is in the Last X Days = 7

  • Add another filter on Event Name is Test Created, Template Test Created, Folder Created, Job Created

  • Click Apply

  • Click Configure

  • Edit the Report name to something specific like "Creation Events in last 7 Days"

  • Update the Report Description


  • Update
  • Save

Step 2 - Grant Specific Access

  • Click Configure
  • Uncheck All Users view rights
  • Add a user you would like to share this report with
  • Grant them edit rights to the report
  • Update
  • Save


Step 3 - Set up a Subscription for a Weekly Email

  • Go to the subscriptions tab
  • Click New
  • Name the Subscription "Weekly new Creations"
  • Add your team to the recipients
  • Set Send Email to Weekly
  • Select the day of the week you would like it to send
  • Select the time on that day
  • Check the box, "Don't send if report is empty"
  • Give the Email a subject like "Weekly New Created Items in Validatar"
  • Add Subscription


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