Exercise 10: Create a Uniqueness Monitoring Template for CSV Files
  • 21 Jun 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Exercise 10: Create a Uniqueness Monitoring Template for CSV Files

  • PDF

Article summary

Learning Goals
  • How do I connect to a CSV file?
  • How do I check for uniqueness in multiple CSV files?
  • How do I configure a template test to use some string replacement functions?
  • How do I configure Dynamic Column Role definitions?
  • How do I import a test from the Marketplace?

Step 1 - Import "Exercise 10: account_id is unique in account_data.csv" from Marketplace

  • Open the Marketplace in the top banner
  • Search for Exercise 10
  • Click on the "Exercise 10: account_id is unique in account_data.csv" Card


  • Click on the "Get" button
  • Select "Import Directly"
  • Choose your project
  • Make sure your Data Source is Mapped correctly
  • Select the folder you would like to import the Test into
  • Click "Review Changes"
  • Confirm that you are adding the new test and then hit Import


Step 2 - Review Imported Test Data Set Definition

  • Open the test "Exercise 10: account_id is unique in account_data.csv" and review it's configuration
  • Note that it is connecting to a Windows Directory and using the CSV File - Row Count Grouped by Column Macro to connect to the account_data.csv file in the .\CSV\CUSTOMER_1001 folder
  • Note that the column specified to group by is account_id
  • Click the Preview and Refresh Options to view the test dataset


Step 3 - Review Control and Result Configuration

  • Note that it is comparing the ROW_COUNT to a fixed value of 1
  • Note that the Result Configuration is set so that only Failures are kept and to abort after 100 failutes are found


Step 4 - Convert to Template Test

  • Scroll to the top of the test and click "Convert to Template Test"
  • Note how the Test has replaced all references to account_data.csv with {{table.name}}.
  • Also Note how the Target Object Type is "Table" (which in the case of files represents the file)


Step 5 - Update Test Configuration with logic to create appropriate column names

  • Click Build Template
  • Update the Folder input to {{schema.name}}
  • Update the File input to {{table.name}}
  • Update the Column input to {{#replace table.name "_data.csv" "_id"}}
  • Preview and Refresh Options
  • Update Template


  • Update the Metadata Links to {{schema.name}}.{{table..name}}
  • Change the Generate column list using to Dynamic Template Configuration
  • Update the Dynamic Script to:
	{"name":"{{#replace table.name "_data.csv" "_id"}}","sequence":1,"type":"Numeric","role":"Key"},


Step 6 - Configure Metadata Selection

  • Switch to the Metadata Selection Tab
  • Change to the "Use Filters" option
  • Add a Filter on the Table Name Field contains to "_data.csv"


  • Preview the objects and make sure that all the relevant files are included in the list.


Step 7 - Save -> Materialize -> Run

  • Rename your test to "Exercise 10: CSV Unique ID Check"
  • Save the test
  • Materialize Child Tests
  • Run Child Tests

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