Exercise 7: Create a Comparison Against Previous Results
  • 08 Jul 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Exercise 7: Create a Comparison Against Previous Results

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Article summary

Learning Goals
  • How do I monitor a table's metadata?
  • How does Validatar compare today vs yesterday?
  • How do I configure keys and values in a table result set?

Step 1 - Create a Standard Test

  • Click New to create a New Standard Test
  • Name the Test "Column Datatype Monitoring"
  • Set the Quality Dimension to "Standards"
  • Set the Severity Level to "Low"
  • Give the test a nice description like "This test compares the data types of all the columns in {{table_name}} today vs the last time we ran this test."


Step 2 - Configure "What do you want to test?"

  • Set Data Source = Sample Data Source - Snowflake Data Warehouse
  • Set How to get the data = Column Metadata for a Table
  • Set the table to your assigned RAW table.
  • Click the Preview and Refresh Options button
  • Review the Previewed results
  • Switch to the Data Set Options tab
  • Update all columns to be ignored.
  • Then set the COLUMN_NAME to Key and the DATA_TYPE to Value


Step 3 - Configure "What do you want to compare to?"

  • Select "Previous Runs"
  • Set Data Source = Sample Data Source - Snowflake Data Warehouse
  • Set How to define the control data = Previous Test Results
  • Change to the Maximum of results for last 1 Run


Tips About Validatar

  • Using Test descriptions keeps your team on the same page about the contents and purpose of the test.
  • Changing how to get the data for a test also changes the configuration area.
  • You can choose to make a column a key or value or choose to ignore it in the test.
  • Using Previous Runs help maximize the value of tests and profiles already run in Validatar.

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